Bat Care

Cricket Bat Care. 

Here at TCH we appreciate and understand how exciting it is to get a new cricket bat, but also the sometimes-hard work that you need to do before you can use that new cricket bat, that is where we come in, and we are here to help! 

Knocking in, oiling, and maintaining a cricket bat can be very tedious and time consuming, we are offering our services at TCH to get you using your new bat ASAP, we will oil and knock your new bat in for you, so you know for sure that it is ready to use! 

 We are also offering bat fixing services, those pesky little cracks that come naturally to a cricket bat that is being used, or splits on the edges, we are here to help! During lockdown when we couldn’t work, spending lots of time at home, I started to fix cricket bats and was able to save a few bats from an early retirement. All cricket bats are different and unfortunately not all bats are save-able but if you bring you bat down to TCH we will see what we can do and hopefully fix it up for you!  


For a new bat we can knock it in for you, knocking in a new bat is pivotal to the longevity of your new cricket bat, making sure it is match ready. 

For your current or older cricket bats we offer bat maintenance, this includes giving your bat a fresh coat of oil, cleaning up any small cracks, changing over the extra tec and grip if necessary

For your broken bats, depending on how bad and where on the bat they are broken, we can glue and tape bats back together, so they are as good as new! This will include the same services as bat maintenance as well as fixing the broken parts of your bat.   

Before & After shots of bats we have fixed.